Template Variables
[ActiveGameCount] | Total number of games in your game database minus the completed games. Includes stalled, running and joining.
[ActivePlayerCount] | Number of players who have sent any message to AutoTroll within the last 60 days.
[Admin.Name] | Name specified in settings | Admin Name
[Admin.EMail] | EMail specified in settings | Admin E-mail
[Host.Name] | Name specified in settings | Host Name
[Host.EMail] | EMail specified in settings | Host E-mail
[Host.URL] | The web address you enter in setup
[IPAddress] | Returns current IP address of AT.
[LastPlayerNumber] | Returns the highest/last player account number entered in AutoTroll
[LongDate] | System defined. e.g., Sunday, January 4, 1997
[NoHTML] | Special variable for web tamplates. See the bottom of display modifiers for more info.
[ShortDate] | System defined. e.g., mm/dd/yy
[Time12] | 12 hour time hh:mm AM/PM
[Time24] | 24 hour time hh:mm
[TotalPlayers] | Total number of players in your player database
[TotalGames] | Total number of games in your game database
[Player.Alias] | Alias (if blank, then displays player name)
[Player.AllyHostWarning] | Sets if the player will recieve a warning message if their allies/team mates don't have their TRN in. 'Yes' or 'No'
[Player.AttZip] | If player uses zip attachments 'Yes' or 'No'
[Player.BroadCastMsg] | If player wants to get general messages 'Yes' or 'No'
[Player.ComitLevel] | Settable from player's dialog
[Player.ClassName] | Class Name (see Ranking System)
[Player.ClassPercent] | Class Percent points
[Player.EMail] | Primary E-Mail address
[Player.EMail2] | Second e-mail address
[Player.FTPRST] | If player wants RSTs ftp'd 'Yes' or 'No'
[Player.HostWarning] | If player wants to receive host warnings 'Yes' or 'No'
[Player.HTMLName] | Displays player.name with HTML codes for the player class.
[Player.HTMLClassName] | Class Name (see Ranking System) with HTML codes
[Player.HTMLClassPercent] | Class Percent points HTML codes for their Class
[Player.LastContact] | Date/Time when AutoTroll last saw a message from the player.
[Player.LongFiles] | If player uses long filename support
[Player.LongDesc] | Displays description field editable on player's dialog box
[Player.Name] | Player's Name
[Player.NewGameMsg] | If player wants to get new game messages
[Player.Number] | Account Number
[Player.Password] | Returns player password
[Player.PrivateEMail] | If player has Hide EMail checked.
[Player.PublicEMail] | Returns 'PRIVATE' if player chose Private EMail in their configs, otherwise it returns the player's real e-mail address
[Player.RankName] | Player's rank name
[Player.RankPoints] | Total Ranking points
[Player.TRNRatio] | The number of RSTs sent, divided by the number of TRNs received.
[Player.UseEMail2] | 'Yes' or 'No' if player uses enables e-mail2
[Player.UseMime] | If player uses mime (no means they get file attachments using UUencode)
[Game.AScoreToWin] | This variable is not used.
[Game.Dir] | String of game directory "c:\progra~1\host\game~1". Useful especially with the addon manager for addons with their own config file that take the game directory as an argument.
[Game.DropTurns] | Equals the number of turns a player can miss before being kicked out. (see Removing Inactive "dead beat" players).
[Game.EarlyHost] | Yes or No if you have a "Allow Early Hosting" checked under normal scheduled games on the game schedule page.
[Game.EndTurn] | Turn number you've specified the game to end at, or 0 if turned off (see Ending Game Scenerios)
[Game.EndPercent] | AutoScore percent that ends the game, or 0 if turned off (see Ending Game Scenerios)
[Game.EventStatus] | Similar to what's displayed on AT's main screen
[Game.HostDay] | Next Scheduled Host day (e.g., Monday, Tuesday, ...)
[Game.HostDate] | Next Scheduled Host day (e.g., xx/xx/xx)
[Game.HostTime] | Next Scheduled host time (e.g., xx:xx:xx XX)
[Game.HostHours] | Number of hours from now (when AT reads the template) until the next host run.
[Game.isPrivate] | 'Yes' or 'No' if the game is private
[Game.isTeamGame] | 'Yes' or 'No' if the game is a team game.
[Game.Joinable] | 'Yes' or 'No' depending if you have 'Allow Joining" checked
[Game.LastHost] | Last Host date & time (e.g., xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx XX)
[Game.LastHostDay] | Last Host date (e.g., xx/xx/xx XX )
[Game.LastHostTime] | Last host time
[Game.LongDesc] | 255 character description
[Game.LongDesc2] | 255 character description
[Game.MinClass] | Minimum player class value to auto-join a game.
[Game.Memo] | Like LongDesc, but no limit to maximum length
[Game.MinRank] | Minimum player rank value to auto-join a game
[Game.Name] | Name of game
[Game.Number] | Game Number
[Game.NextHost] | Next Host day & time (e.g., xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx XX)
[Game.Openings] | Number of openings in the game.
[Game.Players] | Number of players in the game.
[Game.RacesOpen] | 1,2,6,B = string of races open - 'Closed' if Allow joining is false.
[Game.RacesPlayed] | 3,4,5,7,8,9,A = string of races being played
[Game.Schedule] | S_T_T_S = string of days to host Sunday to Saturday
[Game.Status] | Stalled, Delayed, Joining, Running, Completed
[Game.TurnsIn] | 1o34x_789A_ = string of turns in. 'o'=race is open, 'x' means race is dead, '_' means turn is missing, 1..9,A,B means turn is received
[Game.Turn] | Turn Number
[Race.AScorePercent] | For games that use AutoScore, this will show the race's AutoScore percent.
[Race.AScoreValue] | For games that use AutoScore, this will show the race's AutoScore value.
[Race.AScoreRank] | For games that use AutoScore, this will show the race's AutoScore ranking as 1..11
[Race.AScoreRankFMT] | For games that use AutoScore, this will show the race's AutoScore ranking as 1st, 2nd .. 11th.
[Race.isPlayed] | 'Yes' or 'No' if the race is being played.
[Race.isOpen] | 'Yes' or 'No' if the race is being open to be joined.
[Race.LastChange] | Last turn activity of drop/joined
[Race.Missed] | This is the number of consecutive turns missed by the race. If the value is 0, then they submitted a TRN last turn. If it is 3, then there has been no TRN submitted for this race in 3 host runs. This number only cares about TRN files, not of a cplayer that might have played for the missing TRN.
[Race.MissingTeamTRNs] | 1,3,4 for a person who is allied with 1,3,4 and those turns are not in (does not include own race)
[Race.Name] | The Solar Federation...The Missing Colonies of Man
[Race.ShortName] | The Feds...The Colonies
[Race.AdjName] | Fed...Colonial
[Race.Number] | '1' .. '11'
[Race.OtherRST] | Shows the races this race has allied with (ie the races who get this race's RST)
[Race.QPlayed] | 'Yes' or 'No' if the race is being played by The Q
[Race.TeamList] | Shows the races who have allied with this race (ie the RSTs this race gets)
[Race.TurnStatus] | 'Missing', 'Received', 'Open' or 'Dead'
[Race.ZipName] | This is the zip filename that is sent to the race. This can be useful to put into web templates as a link so players can download their RSTs from the web.
[Race.Flag1] | 'Yes' or 'No' flag that can be set with game config settings
[Race.Flag2] | 'Yes' or 'No' flag that can be set with game config settings
[Race.Flag3] | 'Yes' or 'No' flag that can be set with game config settings
[Race.Flag4] | 'Yes' or 'No' flag that can be set with game config settings
[Race.Flag5] | 'Yes' or 'No' flag that can be set with game config settings
[Race.Flag6] | 'Yes' or 'No' flag that can be set with game config settings
[Race.Flag7] | 'Yes' or 'No' flag that can be set with game config settings
[Race.Flag8] | 'Yes' or 'No' flag that can be set with game config settings
[Team.AScorePercent] | For games that use AutoScore, this will show the team's AutoScore percent.
[Team.AScoreRank] | For games that use AutoScore, this will show the team's AutoScore ranking as 1..11
[Team.AScoreValue] | For games that use AutoScore, this will show the team's AutoScore value.
[Team.AScoreRankFMT] | For games that use AutoScore, this will show the team's AutoScore ranking as 1st, 2nd .. 11th.
[Forward.Text] | Will show the text of the message to forward.
[Forward.RaceName] | Will show the race name of the player who sent the message to forward.
[Forward.RaceNumber] | Will show the race number of the player who sent the message.
[TRN.TimeStamp] | TimeStamp of submitted TRN. Valid in
[TRN.StatusCode] | Errorlevel returned from chktrn.exe Valid in:
[TRN.Output] | Output / text from checktrn.exe. Valid in:
[TRN.FileSent] | Name of TRN file player set Valid in all chktrn templates