Importing Files

The template command [import filename] allows you to import a file into the current message/file. The filename will be looked for in the imports\ directory below where AT is installed.

a file named imports\msg_header.imp has :
<< Message Received at [Time24] >>

In a template you have:
[import msg_header.imp]

blah blah blah

Then this would be the same as your template being:
<< Message Received at [Time24] >>

blah blah blah.

You can specify any file you wish in the [import ..] command, all paths are relative to the imports\ directory. For example, you could use import to include the hconfig.txt file produced by host, or you could design a tagline you want in all your messages and have something like [import tagline.imp] in each template.

Also, if you make a template some cool way to show games, you can put this code in a file. Then wherever you want to use this code, you can just import it.

Finally, if you're a programmer, you can think of these imports as able to define "functions" where re-usable code can be put in differentn files.

Note: This is different than the custom variables because this imports a whole file, the custom variables import only a variable value.

See also:
Default Files