File Menu
The file menu allows you to exit AutoTroll.
Edit Menu
The edit menu allows you to edit AT's setup, the games or the players databases.
View Menu
The view menu allows you to look at AT's log file. The log file has several "filter" checkboxes at the bottom. Also available on the View menu are choices to look at Mail Progress and FTP Progress. With these checked, AutoTroll will display a progress dialog box when it is performing these actions. With these unchecked, you'll only see changes in the status bar at the bottom of the main form (and of course in the log file).
Finally, you can choose the types of events to view on the main form. Choosing only 'Active Events' shows only those events that AT will execute. Choosing "All Events" will list all events - even those disabled or already passed or those not releveant. This latter choice can help you see better how AT thinks. Note: Events are only displayed on the main form if you have AutoTroll Events checked in setup.
Run Menu
The run menu simply has three choices that correspond to the three actions on the toolbar: Post a General Announcement, Upload FTP site, or Check Mail.
Help Menu
The help menu will open up this help file and show you the version number of AutoTroll you are using. When reporting bugs or problems, you should always include the version information.