AutoTroll Events
Determines if any of AutoTroll's events should be enabled. Turn this off to disable all automation in AutoTroll.
Troll Mailer
This is a global setting to turn on/off all AutoTroll mailer functions.
Automated Hosting
Enable this if you want AutoTroll to automatically host any of your games. Each game can be put on a manual host too, this is just a more global setting to apply to all game host events.
Web Templates
Determines if AutoTroll should look in the AutoTroll\Web Templates\ directory and update them.
FTP Uploads
Enable this if you want AutoTroll to upload files to your FTP server. Any files you have below the ftp\ directory (where AT was installed) will be uploaded to your FTP server at the directory you specified for the Remote Directory.
Debug Templates
When creating new templates and you want to test them, it would be helpful if AutoTroll gave you an error message for any unrecognized variables (normally, if AutoTroll detects an error in your template, it will ignore it). Use this to debug your templates.
Host Identity
Host Name
This is the identity of your hosting system. Some people like to give their hosting system or hosting site a special name (like AutoTroll). This is the name field.
Host EMail
This is the email address of your hosting system. Some people have one e-mail for their hosting system and one for themself. This is the email field of where people will send their TRN files and where the RST files will be sent 'From'.
Administrator Identity
Administrator Name
When there are some errors, AutoTroll sometimes sends the player the Administrator's Name and EMail address so the player can contact you about their error.
Administrator EMail
This is the email address of the "Administrator"