Default Files

You can customize several of the defaults used in AutoTroll by customizing the below files in the imports\ directory. The templates follow the same rules as other files in the imports directory. Note: these files can be blank or be deleted if if you don't want to use defaults.

Default-Message.imp This file is loaded whenever you send an e-mail message from within AT. You could use this to set a standard header and footer.  
For the below, if you create a new game AT will look for each file listed below, (in your imports\ directory) and "run" the file as a template. Then it will take the output of the template and put it in the game directory as a new file. The process is like doing web or ftp updates, but instead of putting the files in the ftp directory, they're put in the game directory.

Default-HostBatch.imp The default host batch file  
So, for your Default-HostBatch.imp batch file you can do things like:
host.exe [Game.Dir]
and after running the file as a template, the batch file could look like this:
host.exe e:\games\vgapfe~1\g1

These are other default files you can use to customize the inital .ini file for a new game
Default-Auxhost1.imp The default Auxhost1.ini file  
Default-Auxhost2.imp The default Auxhost2.ini file  
Default-AuxBC.imp The default AuxBC.ini file