Player Settings for Changing Player Configs
$PlayerName : name | Player name (must be >=2 characters) and corresponds to the "Name" field
$PlayerAlias : alias | Player alias is optional. Outgoing messages and posts to the player will use their alias if they have one, otherwise will use their name
$Password : newpass | Player's password must be >=3 characters
$EMail: | Primary e-mail (must contain '@' sign)
$EMail2: | Secondary e-mail (if $UseEMail2, must contain '@')
The following are set to either 'Yes' or 'No' after ':' (not case sensitive)
$UseMime : yes | yes=mime encoding, no=UUencoding
$BroadCastMsgs: no | Receive broadcast/news type messages
$NewGameMsgs: yes | Receive "new game" type messages
$ZipFiles: no | Tells AT if it should zip RSTs to player
$UseEmail2: no | No ignores e-mail2, yes puts e-mail2 to in CC field of all outgoing messages to the player
$LongFileSupport :yes | Player supports longfilenames
$HostWarning : yes | If player wants to receive host warning messages
$AllyHostWarning: yes | If players wants to receive a host warning message when their allies/teammates TRNs aren't in. The player will also get chktrn results when this is set to yes.
$FTPRSTs : yes | Sets if player wants RST files sent to ftp site. Note: only games with 'FTP Zipfiles' checked can have the player's RST files sent
$PrivateEMail : no | If yes, [Player.EMail] & [Player.EMAil2] will return 'PRIVATE'. This sets the 'Hide EMail' flag for player