Players can change their settings on AutoTroll in three ways:
1) They can use a web-based CGI script that takes their changes and creates an e-mail to AutoTroll with all the necessary info. These should follow the rules AutoTroll needs for properly identifying a player, as well as the changes the player requests on the web page.
2) The player skips having the web-based CGI script doing the e-mail to AutoTroll and sends AutoTroll the e-mail himself. The player then must follow a few simple rules so that AutoTroll can understand the syntax.
3) They can e-mail you and you go into AutoTroll and make the change.
There are a few ways you can do #1 above. Several people on the AT.User list (see getting support) are experienced web programmers - some became experienced because of AT. :) They have been kind enough to offer various CGI alternatives for you to use which do all or nearly all the player interactions for you by simply pointing your players to a web form with a 'submit' button! I also have created a CGI program to interact with AutoTroll.
As for doing #2, the various template files (especially PLAYER-Config.atf) installed with AutoTroll try to do a good job of explaining the syntax and the possible commands / variables that AutoTroll supports. If you find those help files unclear, you of course are free to review the information here and change the help files as you see fit.
#3 is quite easy, but it's not convenient for a busy host.
See also :
Supported Variables
Specific Syntax Rules